Friday, May 27, 2011

Smart Bathroom

Smart Bathroom

Problem Definition:

So keeping in mind Bob, a man who is physically disabled; going to the bathroom is one of the many difficulties to come across during the day and night.


As a solution to this problem, an ‘intelligent bathroom’ should be used. In short, this will make it easier for Bob to use the bathroom by using automated appliances.

How will the system work?

First of all, all automation will be connected to the main Computer.

Due to Bob’s physical disabilities, the first step is to implement an automated door so that once Bob approaches the bathroom it will automatically on for him. Once inside the bathroom Bob could use the voice recognition system implemented in the house to lock the door if desired.

The toilet also requires some automated features to make Bob’s life easier. For the toilet, a sensor will be monitoring movement so that when Bob gets close to it the toilet seat will open. Once Bob is ready and moves away the toilet seat will automatically close and the flushing system will remove the waste and refill with new water.

The most challenging time of the day when using the bathroom for Bob will be when he will need to have a shower. Due to his physical condition it may be hard to stand up for more than 5 minutes without support therefore a shower maybe difficult for him. An alternative to a shower could be a bath, however this poses

additional difficulties for Bob, as once seated very low it would be difficult for him to get back up with no support. The solution to this problem would be a shower with a seat that will let Bob make himself comfortable whilst showering himself.

Washing his hand is also a difficult task as a regular soap dispenser is usually requires two hands to operate. A soap dispenser with a sensor would be perfect for Bob as when he places his hand beneath the dispenser, the sensor will sense his hand and the soap will be dispensed. The automatic soap dispenser could also be used in the shower.

The bathroom system will be split in day and night “shifts”.

During the morning hours the following features will occur:

  • Automated door to open, close and lock the bathroom
  • Automatic lights that will go on to 100% of power
  • Automated toilet seat
  • Automated flushing system
  • Temperature controlled water system that is set before hand to Bob's liking, and once on the seat a small button will start the water
  • An emergency timer that will set off if Bob takes longer than 45 minutes in the bathroom

During the night hours (hours would be adjustable from the computer) all of the listed features above will work with and extra additional feature regarding the lighting.

Therefore, if for some reason Bob needs to go to the bathroom during the night, once he steps on the pressure pad around his bed, the lights will automatically switch on the hall and bedroom lights to 50% of illumination increasing to 100% over 1 minute and the bathroom lights instantly to 100% illumination.

After leaving the bathroom, the bathroom light automatically switches off. After the person gets back into bed the bedroom light is dimmed from 100% to 50% over one minute and then switched off.

Emergency system

An emergency system has to be implemented so as to help Bob if he requires assistance. The bathroom emergency system, as described above, consists of a timer that will set off if Bob takes longer than 45 minutes in the bathroom. As another level of security, if Bob calls out, let’s say ‘HELP’, the voice recognition implemented around the house will recognise the keyword and the emergency feature will be activated.

When the Emergency system is activated
  • The door of the bathroom will unlock itself automatically so when assistance arrives the door would be open.
  • An emergency call will inform family members, friends and an ambulance that Bob requires assistance (the contact list could be edited from the computer)

The emergency system could be used all over the house to increase safety.

What is needed?

Basically to make the intelligent bathroom everything could be bought in as such material already exists. What needs to be done is the setup and installation to make things work with the computer system. This can be time consuming however if done well will make Bob’s life much easier and safer.

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