Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kitchen for Physically Challenged People

People like Bob need to eat like all other people and preferably be independent and eat whenever they wish.

Starting from the fridge: This will have a barcode scanner on the front or camera (similar to Google Googles Technology) which enables the user to scan an object before putting it in the fridge. This way, the fridge can keep an inventory of all items in the fridge. When an item, (such as milk) gets low, it will notify Bob by sending him an email to his PC. The next time he enters the kitchen, sensors will detect his presence and notify him by voice. He can then either order the shopping list online or go out physically and buy the items. Going beyond that, the fridge can be networked and accessed using a web interface which will allow the user to view its current inventory from a PC.

The automated microwave oven: To save Bob from fiddling with complicated microwave ovens, he can use an automated one which can automatically figure out the meal type and weight. This way, he only needs to take the meal out from the fridge/freezer, unwrap it and put it in the microwave oven. (An unwrapper device can be used to help him unwrap items, considering he only has 1 usable arm.)

Since Bob only has 1 usable arm, an automatic unloader built-in the oven takes care of taking out the hot meal out onto a plate. All he needs to do, is to open the microwave oven door and the meal will then be moved automatically using a short ramp/rail out of the oven onto a plate.

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