Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey everyone,
I spoke to someone of last year's group and told me that we should implement a light source of our own in the rig itself, as they had a bad experience with using the external lights.

what we could to is test how we did yesterday but not with direct light, meaning covering the light source with some form of material to dim make it less shiny on the glass...

I think we should test it asap because it more safe to have our own light milli we go to the final presentation and the system wont read the fiducials.

what do you think?


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Design

As discussed and agreed in class, this is the final design to be placed on a panel on the front of the table. The background colour and music sheet lines will be used on the side where the instructions of the game will be placed (to have a sense of continuity) :) Any other suggestions that might come up after our latest meeting please feel free to suggest :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Side Panel

Guys, do we have quotes for the panels yet? if they don't get back to us by tonight I'll staple the plain cartoncine in place as a temporary solution.

Btw: made this nifty fiducial basket out of cardboard and leftover wallpaper scraps, atm its taped on the top shelf..will staple it in place if u guys like the idea...handy place to keep all the blocks when its not being used though ;)

Also, glass plain is now officially stuck into place with sealant, should dry and solidify in time for rig moving tomo. (in which case I will need someone riding shotgun to help me carry the rig once we arrive at school)

Future Enhancements

I guess sometime in the final project we have to come up with some future enhancements that can be added to the systems.

I was thinking that in the 'Challange' Game mode we could add a timer that calculates the time taken to guess let's say 10 instruments and record it in a sort of leaderboard.
This gives the person playing the urge to try and beat the top spot of the leaderboard whilt learning the instruments :)

Hope you like the idea, as I said this could be mentioned in the future enhancements we don't need to do it know.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Measurements for Rig Skin

Front Panel 98cm x 50cm
Side Panel 35cm x50cm
Inside Panel 35cm x 46cm
Back Panel 42cm x 50cm
Frame1 60cm x 4.5cm
Frame2 2cm x 35cm
Frame3 60cm x 4.5cm
Frame4 2cm x 37cm


Hey guys,

As you all know, the front panel of the Orchestrate table will incorporate functionality in design by utilising the space and design to list an organised collection of instructions on how to play the game. These instructions must be simple and easily understood by children. I was goin to incorporate it in the design myself but would like all the feedback possible from you guys first so we could concentrate our efforts on listing these instructions ASAP so I can get the panels done as soon as we agree on the wording and instuctions to be used.

Best regards,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

v12 GIF fully functional

Hey guys, v12 is now out and stable, to run it, you will need to download the gifAnimation library from here and install it to your scrapbook (same place you installed TUIO)

Will clean dropbox (leaving only old .txt versions of code for reference), and will add the mplayer v12 directory in its entirety...simply copy onto your PC as is (or run it directly off of dropbox)

Test away and advise about possible bugs. =)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hey guys, 11.6 is now up and running (and shared on dropbox)

Refer to the Facebook group for a minute by minute log of changes

Here's a list
-added trumpet and tribal files to challenge mode

-Reduced code required for exit, by placing the exit() method directly in fiducial=30 (within addTUIO class)

-added a counter within the challenge(), which will increment itself whenever guess = r

-when counter is 20, a gif image (currently not picking up its animation) is drawn, and counter reset to get ready for next game.

-changed all instances of background with image (this way once we redraw that image, it will not appear underneath previously called images..which was a problem i found when dealing with drawing over the gif animation)

-got rid of some redundant code..

Next Up
Will get animation to work tomorrow; need to read and understand this: to come up with a fix, we will most likely need to add a new library...all info on that link.

That would be it as far as coding is concerned...then its all about finishing touches on the table

Table Update
-Taped the microphone cable into place
-Taped a power extension to rear leg, now speakers and laptop can both plug into extension, reducing the amount of wires we have exiting the rig (purely aesthetical)
-Instrument images and fiducials have been taped to blocks, will glue them on once we all agree that it looks good..still need to print out fiducials for challenge mode and stop(), and image for stop()


Below are a few tests already performed

Test 1 - Surface Area
·         Camera reading fiducial from all parts of the area
·         This was done by moving both the camera and the fiducials. The camera was moved around to find an optimum position to maximize service area.

Test 2 – Height of Camera
·         Height from Camera to glass
·         Since the fiducials were placed above the camera, we had to test the required height for the camera in order to read the fiducials

Test 3 – Lighting
·         Position of table and lighting to avoid brightness and reflection
·         This was done to ensure that the camera would get an optimum view of the fiducials

Test 4 – Sound Buffers
·         The number of buffers used for which the program loaded with a sufficient load time

Test 5 – Program Stability
·         A number of fiducials were placed on the glass to the test the stability and robustness of the application  

MPlayer V11.5

Hey Guys,

Uploaded V11.5 in dropbox. Contains a new feature which enables the user to close the program using fiducial 30.

V12 will arrive when we either implement the video or the GIF idea in Challenge Mode.

Video Issues

Hey guys, was playing around with simulator and our program's challenge mode and it dawned on me that if we play a video whenever the user gets something right, we'll have more animations then actual gameplay (which would probably drive the user crazy)

What I would suggest is having a new variable in challenge mode, which will serve as a counter which increments whenever guess = random
Then when counter = 20, we can play a video.

Also, to reduce size of code, and avoid the use of buffers, what do you all think of gif images? Downloaded a shareware version of Easy GIF Animator 5 (20 edits total) and come up with an example of what I have in mind.

Shared GIF Image on Dropbox...but have also attached it below (for some reason animation doesn't seem to be working on blog)..let me know what you think =)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hey guys...

just a quick post before i go to bed to show you 2 designs i've been working on for the side panels of the table.

The above one is my favourite of the 2... but let me know what you think :)


Monday, April 18, 2011

openGL Videos

Hey guys, thought I'd update the blog re videos, as we have been looking into it for a few days.

Here's a quick update. We are currently looking into the possibility of having short 2-3 second videos display on screen during challenge mode, whenever a user gets the guess correct. This videos will most likely consist of cartoon animations related to instruments (it has not yet been determined whether we should come up with a one size fits all animation, or have individual videos for each instrument).

When it comes to methods, it is still not determined what to use, Ryan has done 99.99999% of the research for this tool, so he is the guy with most of the data, however I just came across the openGL method,which looks good, relies on buffers (which means a heavier initial loading time, but smooth running of the program), and the ability of having the video run within the program window (as oppose to having a quicktime window open and close when prompted)

More details on openGL (along with problems which other coders have encountered) may be found here:

Feel free to let us know what you think, or if you know of any other reliable video methods which will work for us, keeping in mind that initial loading time is a major issue at the moment, and we are doing whatever we can to reduce this problem.

Thanks =)

Fiducial Blocks

guys if we gonna stick the printed fiducials on the back of the blocks...shud we paint the blocks white to get the block to be the same colour as the paper? since the blocks are a light colour already, shudnt take more then one coat to get them to look good...

if we can talk about it during todays lesson wud b good, dat way we can sort out what needs to be sorted out right after lesson

cheers =)

btw...blocks almost sanded, got three or 4 left =)

*pictures us all sanding away during tonights novel lecture*......wudnt seem in the least bit odd ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hey guys, prosit we did a good job with the testing today :)
When we finish off the testing stage we can cover up the sides of the table with the designs Sean is making and the Instructions like I suggested.

I guess we are right on track.
See you tomorrow for the presentation.


Hey guys,

The above image will be printed onto a specialized material that will be used as a side panel, this will serve as a unified design for all aspects of the project, so please comment on changes which could be made before I continue development on other faces of the structure.

Cheers guys, see you at tomorrows lesson.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gantt Chart Update

Some minor adjustments to the Gantt Chart.
Follow the link to preview the updated Gantt Chart


Gantt Chart

Wow OpenProj is quite a pain to work with.
I have a version of the Gantt Chart however I know there may be stuff to add, therefore could you let me know what else to add please.

Here's the link


Presentation 2

hey guys!

As you know we have another presentation on Monday. Following the last presentation, we now have the chance to do an even better job and this starts with a well structured presentation followed by being knowledgeable of what each person's slide will contain.

I created the structure for the presentation on google docs so that it will be easier for everyone to know where their slide goes. I also did the "presentation outline" slide which contains all the slide titles and used that to mark which slide is assigned to whom.

In class we were given some pointers on each slide, so if your particular slide has something written in it - that's what it is, just a small note to help you to know what is required.

Just to avoid confusion here is the content of the "presentation outline":

  • Summary of System - Maria
  • System Architecture - Kevin (components & flow - use flowchart)
  • Plan of Work - Daryl (present status, next steps - use gantt chart)
  • Division of Work - Maria
  • Blog & Group Communication - Andrew (use screenshots & URL)
  • Planned Testing - Ryan (references to testing mentioned ex white & black box testing)
  • Conclusion - Sean (general overview & IMPORTANT - main challenges)
  • Closing Slide (anyone that uses any references please add them here) :)



Thursday, April 14, 2011

This Sunday

guys Sunday is work day, come over so we get the table fully finished and tested. Andrew bring ur webcam,
Ryan if u cud stop by model shop in iklin sometime and bring one of two sheets of balsa wood would be great...nhalsek alihom on Sunday...
Sean speak to Kim about the sticker printing...see w
hat it costs, how long it takes, and what we gotta do

also lets try and get the slides done before Sunday, so we can go over it and prepare for presentation while we are all here..

sounds good? =)

btw, heres an image of what the rig looks like so far. note that cartoncine is currently stuck with tape, but will be stapled on once testing is done and design is finalized.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Proposed Program Upgrade: V12

Hey Guys,

We've been thinking about adding a new feature to the program. This will take place in Challenge Mode of the program. Basically it involves adding a short video associated with each instrument.

The main logic behind this will be that the relevant video will be played once the player correctly guesses the right instrument. The idea being making the program look more interesting, while at the same time rewarding the user.

We will be working on this in the coming days/weeks and will post when we create something substantial... :)

Rig Update

guys, how about coming over tomo after new media? (Andrew bring webcam with you for testing)

rig's coming along, started painting process today, most of the markings went off, will give it a second coat once it dries =)

then will sealant the glass to the stand.

Bought 3 sheets of cartoncine (not sure about spelling hehe)..we can staple the sheets to the front of the rig, and maybe draw a logo onto the front.

may i once again stress how important it is to start work on the blocks, any input on the matter would be good.

do we all agree with the balsa wood idea?

thanks ^^

Web Cam

Hi Guys,

I can provide the web cam for testing. I have an external one with a flexible stand which should make things easier. I have already tested the program so far with this web cam (in terms of distance from fiducials and response time). So we can use it with the actual rig.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Rig Testing

Hey guys do you think by next week we would have the chance to test out fiducial tracking on the rig?
It's one of the most important aspect of the project so I guess it's good to get it out of the way, and I think we need some sort of light fitting in the rig to make the fiducials more visible.


novel presentation 2

Hey guys...

as you know we have another presentation next week, so like last time I created a new google docs presentation to make it easier for us to coordinate and integration our work together.

But I also sent you a link to your gmail :)



Guys, glass arrived today, gonna stick it on once i get home, we need to start thinking about the blocks. So far the general consensus is balsa wood squares with instruments printed on one side, and fiducials on the other.

Best thing to do (imho) would be printing stickers on both sides. If we don't have light sources at the bottom we need not worry about glare making fiducials unreadable.

Also, this way we can print on the background for stickers will be see through, making the block look tidier.

Next step: Obtaining the resources, cutting the blocks to the correct size, sticking fiducials and instruments onto blocks, beta testing ;)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Rig Update 3

Hey guys, excuse the delay in this update, been a long day. As most of you know, table's wooden frame has now been finished, took a few more photos which I'll upload at a later point. Glass for table top should also be on the way, we should be able to stick the glass on with sealant.

I would suggest that we stick cardboard onto the front and side of the rig for purpose of demonstration, to make it look a bit tidier (we can consider drawing something on the front for aesthetics)

A USB microphone will be connected to the processing laptop, which will be placed on the bottom shelf. this mike will be used to record user generated content.

We should also connect speakers to the processing laptop, in order to provide better sound quality.

It is important that we now start looking at production of the actual fiducial blocks, which are the last things we need to complete the project. Testing can start once we get the glass plain on =)

That's all for now, more updates as soon as more develops =)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Making of the Reactable

After last Monday's late night get together to saw some wood, here are some photos to remind you of the blood, sweat, tears (and blisters) from the night...

Ryan & Sean wood happy - unaware of the pain they were going to be in, in a few minutes

Kevin chopping away...

Daryl having a go while I provide stability and quality control :P

Ryan working hard as Sean & Andrew are at hand with tools

Andrew working up a sweat sawing the table-to-be away

And finally... not to let the boys do all the hard work while I supervise and asses the quality of the sawed wood - the girl takes the saw for a few moments.

Keep up the good work guys :)


Monday, April 4, 2011

Rig Update 2

Rig Woodwork
Hey guys, quick update following our work today, all parts of the rig have been sawed off, and some sanded.
We will need to finish sanding the remainder of the pieces, giving them a good lick of paint, and finally nailing them together.
All in all we should get this done by the end of this month, which will give us ample time for testing and last minute alterations.

Fiducial Blocks
Also, we need to start looking out for balsam wood, it usually sells as 3mm or 5mm thick planks. I'm assuming that model shops would have) This is very flexible, light wood which we would be able to cut with a regular blade/penknife, sand to perfection, and finally stick fiducial and instrument images onto either side of the block.

Me and Sean had worked on balsam wood back in secondary school for a Scoops project, if secondary school kids manage to do it, we shouldn't have any major issues with it either.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rig Update

Hey Guys, heres a slightly updated plan for rig, what do you think?

Glass plain should be sorted, spoke to a guy who's got a 1ft by 2ft sheet, which should be good.

Also, been playing around with laptop webcam. Maximum range for this cam is around 50cm, so will be building accordingly (external webcams should have similar properties.)
Also, at 50cm distance, maximum fiducial field is around same distance as laptop monitor, so a 1 by 2 ft piece of glass is ample.

The rigs constructed by last years students featured a shelf for fiducials. I found this to be a good idea, which can add functionality and purpose to our basic rig. We can also have a secondary shelf at the bottom to hold the laptop.

Laptop will be connected to the external webcam displayed below, along with an STC smartboard. We could also consider covering the bottom shelf in light wood since we will not be using the laptop for I/O (apart from executing the batch file)...We can talk about that once rig's frame is done.

Also, laptop speakers will not be enough for this project (especially since sound is mission critical for our rig) connecting a set of external speaker's would be ideal.

Let me know what you guys think, will start sawing wood tonight. If anyone feels like joining lemme know, shouldn't be a complicated job though =) ... (assuming I find the saw)

Friday, April 1, 2011

V11 is Out..

Hey Guys,

I've Uploaded V11 of MPlayer in Dropbox. All issues regarding generating a random song in Challenge Mode have been solved and now the program is fully working :D... This solved the issue of the random song only working for 2 rounds before ending out of memory.. I've also reworked the Instrument Images Selector Algorithm into a Class; removing a couple of lines of code..

Also, I've added comments and reworked some parts of the code to make it easier to maintain for future upgrades of the program. Please feel free to test it and report any remaining issues.. :)