Monday, May 23, 2011

CW2 Suggestion (Basic Version)

Novel Assistive Technology Suggestion

Meet Bob, Bob is a US Army war vet who got hit by shrapnel from an IED while serving in Afghanistan, losing his left leg, hand and most of the movement in his right arm/hand.

Being left-handed, this has left him in a situation where he cannot write, finds it hard to use a remote control for his television set, finds it hard to send a text message, and most of all, considers moving a few metres to be an arduous task.

Conventional crutches work, however the lack of sensitivity in his left arm makes it challenging and it often winds up being a balancing act.


A multi-purpose voice-controlled wheelchair, which will take him to different locations in his house via voice recognition software combined with GPS tracking software (to determine where he currently is compared to where he wants to go).

But voice recognition does not stop there, Bob will be able to contact his friends, family and carers via text message, by speaking to his wheelchair, which will compose the message, and send it to the desired recipient via a SIM Card embedded in its rear-mounted computer/processor.

The SIM Card could also allow Bob to call anyone on the pre-set phonebook through voice recognition, and a microphone/speaker system installed within the right arm-rest

A smart-wheelchair requires battery power, and thus, a bottom chargeable battery is located right under the seat, with a power extension on the right hand side (so whenever the chair is low on power, Bob may use his functioning right hand to plug his chair into a power-outlet)

1 comment:

  1. What about solving his leg problem with this:
