Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Future Enhancements

I guess sometime in the final project we have to come up with some future enhancements that can be added to the systems.

I was thinking that in the 'Challange' Game mode we could add a timer that calculates the time taken to guess let's say 10 instruments and record it in a sort of leaderboard.
This gives the person playing the urge to try and beat the top spot of the leaderboard whilt learning the instruments :)

Hope you like the idea, as I said this could be mentioned in the future enhancements we don't need to do it know.



  1. Indeed Daryl.. We can discuss the future enhancements to the game on Wednesday.. perhaps we can also bring our gaming experience to the table ;)

  2. if u want we can try add that now =P game continues for 20 rounds so we can just time the distance between challenge mode fiducial and display of win image...

    other enhancements: built in tempo knob in the actual rig...rotating it increases/decreases tempo

    possibility of making use of StitchRV to have a larger playing area (and/or) less distance between fiducials and webcams)
    (StitchRV is that code which allows multiple cameras)
